Booking Information

Box Office Opening Hours are 10am until 8pm (in-person), 10.30am-8pm (by phone), Monday-Saturday.

For phone bookings call 01684 892277.


All tickets sold through Malvern Theatres Box Office are subject to a transaction fee of 12%. Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Members of the theatre are exempt from transaction fees as are film showings in the cinema.


The Management reserves the right:

  • To make alterations to the advertised cast and programme. Not to admit latecomers until a suitable break in the performance, which may be the interval. To refuse admission. To provide alternative seats to those purchased of the same or greater value.
  • Use of photographic, sound recording and mobile communication equipment is forbidden.
  • All patrons, including children must have a seat and an accompanying ticket. • For the safety, comfort and enjoyment of all our customers, we do not allow children to sit on customer’s laps. Generally parents should not attend with children/babies under four years of age as the theatre experience is often unsuitable and can be frightening.
  • Tickets sold are subject to a booking fee of 12%, which includes postage where applicable. Included within the ticket price is a £3 contribution to our heritage fund.
  • Patrons must state discounts they are entitled to at the time of booking, as they cannot be applied retrospectively.
  • Discounts and special offers may be limited or subject to availability and are at the discretion of Management.
  • Discounts and special offers apply to full price tickets.
  • No money will be refunded for tickets sold for performances at Malvern Theatres, unless the performance is cancelled. Tickets returned to the box office a minimum of 48 hours prior a show may be exchanged either: a) for another performance of the same show (subject to availability) or b) for a credit voucher against a future performance. In either case, the change will be subject to an administration fee of £2.50 per ticket. Tickets returned less than 48 hours prior to a show will not be exchanged or credited. Bronze, Silver and Gold Members of Malvern Theatres will be exempt from administration charges, as will members of the Malvern Theatre Association.
  • In the event of cancellation of a performance, Malvern Theatres will refund the ticket value plus booking fee (where applicable). No other recompense will be made.
  • These terms and conditions apply only for tickets purchased directly via Malvern Theatres, tickets purchased through other agencies or outlets may be subject to different terms and conditions.

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